Five Lancer wrestlers win LKSSAA gold

On Feb. 14, the UCC wrestling team battled at the LKSSAA championships held at North Lambton Secondary School in Forest.

Nine of the 14 Lancers that attended placed in the top four and have earned the right to compete at SWOSSAA next Wednesday (Feb. 21) in Windsor.

Undefeated in their fights were first place finishers Alyssa Crummer 51kg, Abby Case-Bullard 89kg, Matt Chaney 72kg , Landyn Bardoel 30kg and Ayden Brown 139+ kg.

A second-place finish was pinned down by Alvin Sanjeev 72kg. Paige Srokosz 47.5 kg and Emmanuella Caleb 72kg grappled to earn third place on the podium.

A very honourable mention goes out to Dean Rocheleau 61kg, who fought nine matches (more than anyone else on the team) to place and successfully defend a fouth place finish.

Overall the UCC girls were in a three-way tie for second place.

Lancer wrestlers Paige Srokosz and Alyssa Crummer competed at the Ontario Winter Games in Thunder Bay this past weekend.

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