Tupperville’s Greg Dreveny wins coach of the year

Greg Dreveny, the pride of Tupperville, was named the 2024 College Hockey South D1 Coach of the Year Award.

Dreveny, 51, coaches the University of Alabama AAU team. Alabama finished in third place in the CHS playoffs, defeating South Carolina 4-2 on the weekend.

Inducted into the Dresden Sports Hall of Fame in 2017, Dreveny has had a long and winding career in hockey.

A goaltender, Dreveny played Junior C hockey in Dresden and Wallaceburg, before moving up to play Junior B hockey in Waterloo.

Dreveny played in the OHL for parts of four seasons for the Belleville Bulls and the Sudbury Wolves. He attended the Buffalo Sabres training camp in 1992.

After his OHL days were over, Dreveny moved on to play for Dalhousie University for four years.

Dreveny played in the East Coast Hockey League (ECHL) for four years, with the majority of his games with the Birmingham Bulls.

Dreveny has been a seasonal goalie coach for Birmingham for a number of years.

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    Greg Peters 10 months

    I worked with Greg’s brother Jamie on a project near Sarnia, Ont. I’m from Kitchener.
    My niece Paula James (nee Peters) set several track & field records at Dalhousie University in NS.