Donations being accepted for Dream Field project

The Chatham Sports Hall of Fame group is working towards raising funds for a new ball field in Chatham.

The CK Dream Field project group hopes to raise $4 million to create the ball field, which will be built on the former Kiwanis Stadium soccer field, on Tweedsmuir Avenue.

The Hall of Fame group has established a website, to garner donations and outline their plans for the field, which they hope to have built and ready by 2026. The website has a number of different layouts of ball diamonds for the property.

Along with the Sports Hall of Fame, other partners in the project include the Chatham Minor Baseball Association, and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

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    Colleen 7 months

    Not sure why this is not being built out on city property on Bear Line where there is more room for both fields including Fergie. You have homes in the fields backyard.