Maroons take 3-0 lead in playoff series

Gannon Hunter
The Chatham Maroons took a commanding 3-0 lead in their playoff series with a 9-3 win over the Elmira Sugar Kings on Sunday night at Chatham Memorial Arena.
The Maroons can clinch the best four-out-of-seven series tonight in Elmira. If Chatham loses, they will have another chance to clinsh the series in Chatham on Thursday.
Gannon Hunter was strong in the Maroons net, facing 51 shots and coming up with a number of key saves. Additionally, the Sugar Kings ran over and interfered with Hunter a number of times looking to rattle his confidence. It didn’t work.
Brody Gillis, Ian Lachance, Liam Campbell and Carter Chadwick all had two goals for Chatham, and Parker Nyitray added a single.
Jaxen Fortier-Smith had four assists
TAGS Brody GillisCarter Chadwickchatham maroonselmira-sugar-kingsGannon HuntergojhlIan LachanceJaxen Fortier-SmithLiam Campbell