Chatham Sports Fields are Soaked
“We will be constantly monitoring the conditions daily, however it is not safe to play on the fields and the ground conditions are not suitable for play,” said Supervisor of Parks Deborah Veccia. “If fields are played on during these conditions, damage will occur to the fields, which will jeopardize the investment we have made in the fields over the past five years. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation. ”
As of Wednesday May 25, Chatham-Kent had received twice the amount of rain as in the same period in 2010 and twice as much as the annual average rainfall (Source – the Weather Network).
In addition, work on the Kingston Park Revitalization Project in Chatham has been slowed by the rainfall. This work includes site grading, seeding, finishing shelters and washroom facilities, and some concrete and asphalt work. Despite the delays, Veccia says she is still planning to have the park open to the public by the end of July.