Four Chatham-Kent Skaters Named to Western Ontario Development Select Team
Three members from the Chatham Skating Club, and one member of the Blenheim Skating Club has been named to the Western Ontario Development Select Team.
This team is comprised of skaters from the Western Ontario skating section, who have qualified for the team. The skaters range in age from 6yrs to 12 years for single skaters, and 6yrs to 14 years for dance and pairs. They have been selected through an evaluation process that includes competing in 3 designated Western Ontario competitions. The skaters collect points for their performance at these events, and the top 4 skaters, dance or pairs are selected for the team.
Selected from Chatham are Zachary Stallaert and Benjamin Alexander who were named to the Development Level 1 Men Team, and Nicholas Robinson and his partner Larysa Ainsworth of Blenheim, who were named to the Development Level 2 Dance Team.