Stallaert Stands Centre Podium
The Chatham Skating Club sent 5 of its competitive skaters to Paris, Ontario to the Isabelle Henderson Memorial Skating Competition, from September 20 – 22.
During the Novice Ladies events, Ashley Glassco gave a strong performance as she placed 6th in the Short Program. She placed 4th in the Long FreeSkate Program and ended in 4th place overall at this event.
Olivia Stallaert landed on the podium as she skated away with the Silver Medal in Pre-Novice Ladies, after placing 1st in the Short Program and 2nd in the Long FreeSkate Program.
While at the Juvenile Ladies under 14 event, Hannah Ross also skated to capture the Sliver Medal after her strong FreeSkate Program.
Chase Ireland-Heidt and his partner, Natalie Robinson from the Ridgetown Club, competed together in the Juvenile Dance event. They placed 8th in the Pattern Dances and skated to a solid 3rd place finish in their Free Dance. These placements gave them a 6th place overall spot at this event.
Lastly, Zachary Stallaert stood centre podium as he received the Gold Medal in the Pre-Juvenile Men under 14 event.