Dresden Hoops Team Raising Money For Cancer
For the 5th year straight, the team hosts an alumni game in hopes to raise funds for breast cancer. Coach Tom Moynihan is excited about the event.
“I have found this one to be one of the most rewarding activities we are involved in. The players put plenty of effort into the planning, welcoming back the alumni and playing in this game,” he says. “The girls are rewarded at the event by the ladies who have played here before, through their memories of time gone by at our school.”
Donations are accepted at the door and the team’s goal this year is to raise $1,000.
Assistant Coach Nicole Martin, says this is a great way to give back to society and she loves seeing past players.
“We hope past and present cardinal fans will come out to the nest. The girls look forwards to it and it is a special night for the alumni as it brings back so many memories.”
Moynihan also says it is a very personal evening.
“Our players are asked to dedicate their game and their organizing effort to someone in their life who may have been touched by this disease. They invite their special guests and families and later, we hear many stories of cancer battles won and lost.”
The game will take place this Friday night at 7:00 at the LKCS gymnasium.
Article originally published on CKDP.ca