Five Questions With Carter Claridge

Carter-ClaridgeCarter Claridge is an 18-year-old multi-sport athlete from Chatham, Ontario. Claridge, a current John McGregor Secondary School student, has played volleyball, basketball, and soccer, but is best known as a football player.

Claridge was recently named the Kent Senior Football defensive league MVP for the 2013 season, and also plays football for the Chatham-Kent Cougars.

Below are Carter Claridge’s answers to CKSN’s Five Questions:

1. What is your career sports highlight/top memory?

One of my favorite memories in football was making a goal line stop in Cougars football the second year I played in grade 8 for the win. There was little time left on the clock, it was 1st and goal and our defense stopped them for the win with a score of 14-10.

2. Who is your favorite professional sports team and athlete?

I’ve always liked the Ravens Ray Lewis and Ed Reed. Those were the player I looked up to on a team that was dominated by defense.

3. If you could achieve one thing/goal in sports, what would it be?

I hope to take football as far as I can. I have high hopes on trying out for the AKO team in London after this year.

4. Who has been your biggest sports influence and why?

Who influenced me the most would have to be my father. He put me in football back in grade 7. I hated it, I played left tackle and didn’t like one bit of it until I moved to defense the next year. Then I couldn’t stop thanking my dad for putting me in a sport I would grow to love.

5. What do you love most about playing sports?

The thing I love most about playing sports is seeing your team be a team, and making good plays together and having everyone do their job. It shows your team’s a team and everyone trusts each other and knows their job if everyone does what they’re suppose to do.

Five Questions is a weekly feature on the Chatham-Kent Sports Network. We’ll ask athletes from across Chatham-Kent Five Questions, and post their answers every week. If you know an athlete or coach we should question, or you’re an athlete or coach who would like to participate in “Five Questions,” please email us at

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