Windsor Minor Hockey President Makes Inexcusable Comments
Windsor Minor Hockey Association president Dean Lapierre is being investigated by multiple organizations, including his own after making misogynist comments on social media.
Lapierre posted the following comments after news surfaced of Canadian citizens being denied access to the United States prior to the Women’s March on Washington January 21.
“Any of those CANADIAN women who wanted to protest the President of the USA and got turned around.Good u dumb bitches. Worry about your own Country CANADA. And your protesting what?”
The story, which first gained notoriety on the Windsor Star\
The comments immediately gained attention and backlash from both the Windsor Minor Hockey Association and Ontario Minor Hockey Association.
Although Lapierre apologized for his actions, he continued to defend himself. Moreover, his sexist comments stem back several years on social media.
OMHA executive director Ian Taylor released an email statement about the comments saying, “These comments are offensive and have no place in minor hockey. We aim to teach our players the value of respect and acceptance of all members of our communities.”
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Please follow up on this. It appears there has been no discipline. This man has behaved poorly and his expressions of regret are crocodile tears. Please hold him accountable.