Remembering Frank Dymock

In December 2013, the community of Wallaceburg lost one of its greatest citizens, Frank Dymock.

For decades, Frank sharpened, repaired, and gave away free skates to families in Wallaceburg, from his famously puck lined shop on the edge of Steinoff Park.

Dymock, who rarely left his shop to assure he could help as many families as possible, could be found beside the woodstove, having long conversations with whomever stopped in, waiting to spread the generosity he became known for over the five decades he sharpened skates in Wallaceburg, each time for free.

The 2012 Citizen of the Year in Wallaceburg, Dymock also has a bridge named after him in the town, and a Wallaceburg Minor Hockey tournament also bares his name.

This weekend, Wallaceburg will again host the Frank Dymock Classic, now in its 10th season. The three day tournament, which opened Friday, features 68 games in Wallaceburg and Walpole Island.

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    Dave Burgess 5 years

    Though only lived in Wallaceburgh for a couple of years….had the pleasure of knowing Frank! My fondest memory was helping him chop and stack fire wood for various town friends and family. He had his own built machine {press,lathe} he put together hi,self by welding an actual axe head to it and it worked great making the job easy and fun! He is a person I think of from time to time and is missed, I’ll always have nice memories of him!