Kirsten Horney Set To Lace Them Up For Adrian College

Kirsten Horney hockey

Kirsten Horney with the PWHL’s Southwest Wildcats

Kirsten Horney is set to lace them up and play ACHA hockey next season for the Adrian College Bulldogs.

“I chose Adrian because of their elite hockey program, beautiful campus and they offered what I wanted to study,” said Horney of her decision.

Horney, a Chatham Outlaws alumni, spent the past three seasons with the PWHL’s Southwest Wildcats patrolling their blueline, where she collected 16 points in 95 games.

“Adrian’s women’s ACHA D1 team has had a wining track record over that past few seasons and has competed for many national championships,” Horney added. “A goal of mine would be to help continue this success and win a national championship. A goal set for myself is to continue being a leader and at some point in my 4 years taking on a leadership role.”

For Horney, who will study sports management, Adrian College has always been her preferred school, and she’s excited to get started with the Bulldogs.

“It has always been a goal of mine to play hockey at the next level, this school has been number one on my list since grade 10, and it has been an honour to be recruited by Adrian College.”

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    June Horney 6 years

    Congratulations Kirsten!!!!