From Now On, We’re Giving Free Advertising To All Local Sports Organizations: Read Details

When people ask why the Chatham-Kent Sports Network was created, here is our answer:

“To support, promote, and celebrate our Chatham-Kent athletes, teams, and organizations”

We’ve decided to take that one step further, by offering free advertising to any Chatham-Kent sports organization who needs it for registrations/ sign ups, or when searching for coaches.

We will never again charge a local sports organization for advertising or promotion. Never. Period.

Why would we do that? Isn’t money important? Of course. So go support one of the incredible advertisers you see on CKSN, they’re making this possible.

We want our local organizations putting their money where it is needed – into development, into equipment, into practice time, into accessibility, into the needs of Chatham-Kent youth.

Know a sports organization in Chatham-Kent who could benefit from this? Send them this link! We are here for our local sports oganizations, and youth. We want a healthier, more active community with thriving opportunities for sport and recreation.

Here are a few requirements, and how to get in touch:

  • Advertisement must be for general registration or sign up dates, tryouts, or coaching applications.
  • Your organization must be a not-for-profit or non-profit. This is not meant for sport/recreation related businesses or clubs.
  • We will advertise up to one month prior to your need, for up to two months per year.
  • Contact to arrange for your organization’s advertising needs for this year.
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