Dr. Jack Parry Award Nominees — Alex Wallace
Leading up to the annual Dr. Jack Parry Awards ceremony on June 15, CKSN will celebrate Chatham-Kent’s top student-athletes by featuring each local school’s nominees for 2023.

Alex Wallace is a very determined and driven student-athlete. Alex has taken part in volleyball, hockey, soccer, badminton, baseball, and track programs at Lambton Kent Composite School.
His positive attitude and his willingness to put in hard work, make Alex a natural leader among his peers. Alex is a very kind, thoughtful, and conscientious student, who always gives his best effort.
He has been involved in Student Council and the Athletic Association, and has spearheaded many school events. Alex is a tireless worker, who has given many hours of his time to support many local charities and service groups.
L.K.C.S. is very pleased to nominate Alex Wallace for this year’s Dr. Jack Parry Award.
Since 1994, Chatham Kent has recognized the top male and female graduating student athletes in each school. At the annual ceremony recognizing these top graduates, one male and one female are awarded the Dr. Parry Award along with a post secondary scholarship.
The award recognizes a balanced high degree of athletic ability, scholastic excellence, and contributions outside of the classroom to the school and community — a balance Dr. Parry himself embodied during his illustrious life.