Green gives kids an assist to play hockey

Hockey is a fun sport but it is an expensive sport.

Family and friends of Bryan ‘Gordie’ Green are working towards making it more affordable for Wallaceburg famlies. They’ve established the Gordie Green Memorial Hockey Fund to help out deserving young hockey players in his hometown of Wallaceburg.

Green, who died in September of 2023 at the age of 69, was born and raised in Wallaceburg. As a child, he loved playing hockey, but with 7 brothers and sisters, money was tight and hockey registration and equipment weren’t in the budget.

Despite not having a team to play for, as a child Green lived for hockey. He would get up at 4 a.m. to skate on free ice time, and he never missed a game of pond hockey. He made his own equipment out of old pop bottles and was such a great skater that he gained the nickname “Gordie” (after Gordie Howe).

With a goal of making sure that every child has the opportunity to play hockey, the Gordie Green Hockey Memorial Fund was created to honour his memory.

Nominations can be made on the website: until July 14. The fund will help with will help with registration fees, equipment purchases and even tournament costs if needed.

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    Michele 11 months

    This is a wonderful thing your family is doing. Thank you