U13 Cyclones win Michigan tourney

Front Goaltenders Oliver Hibbets and Alex Brown
Middle Head Coach Kyle Hope, Harley Hill, Bennett Campbell, Alphie Lassaline, Sutter Schaafsma, Mason Garant, Blake Savage, Shea Allton, Lincoln Pfaff, Corson Burk, Jaxon Kenny, Trainer Jackie Pfaff
Back Row Assistant Coach Eric Stewardson, Billy Hopkins, Ryan Trahan, Mason Larocque, Paulo DeFranceschi, Assistant Coach Jamie Schaafsma
Missing Assistant Coach Mike Anderson
The U13 Chatham-Kent Cyclones AAA hockey team was in Detroit for the Summit Series Showcase this past weekend and won, defeating Detroit Honey Baked 4-3 in the finals.
In round robin play, the Cyclones beat York Simcoe Express 5-0, Rochester Coalition 3-2 in overtime and Detroit Compuware 2-1. They lost to the LA Kings program 2-1 in overtime.
To reach the final the Cyclones upended the LA Kings 4-3 in overtime.
The Cyclones current record on the season is 41-9-5 with 222 goals for and 98 goals against.
The Cyclones are currently in first place in the Alliance with a 23-0-4 regular-season record and have clinched first overall with four games left.
Their remaining schedule includes: Feb 4 in Blenheim vs Sun County, Feb 8 in London, Feb 9 in Blenheim vs Cambridge, Feb 15 in Ridgetown vs Kitchener.
So exciting, way to go cyclones. Have fun